Smart Energy Monitors, Sense vs Neurio

August 19, 2021

Smart Energy Monitors, Sense vs Neurio

Do you feel like you're spending too much on energy bills? If you're like most homeowners, you probably don't know where all that energy is going, so you can't do anything about it. But that's where smart energy monitors come in. These devices track your energy usage and help you identify the areas where you can cut back. While there are many smart energy monitors out there, two of the most popular brands are Sense and Neurio. In this blog post, we'll compare Sense and Neurio to help you decide which one is right for you.


Sense is a popular smart energy monitor that helps you track your energy usage in real-time. The device connects to your electrical panel and uses machine learning algorithms to identify the energy signature of each device in your home. It then provides you with a breakdown of your energy usage, so you can identify where you're wasting energy.

One of the advantages of Sense is that it's very easy to install. You don't need any special tools or knowledge to install it yourself, and the Sense app will guide you through the entire process. In addition, Sense is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, so you can control it with your voice.

The Sense energy monitor costs around $299.


Neurio is another popular name in the smart energy monitor market. Like Sense, Neurio tracks your energy usage in real-time to help you identify where you're wasting energy. The device connects to your electrical panel and uses machine learning algorithms to provide you with an accurate breakdown of your energy usage.

One advantage of Neurio is that it provides you with more detailed information than Sense does. In addition to tracking your energy usage, Neurio can also track solar production, so you can see how much energy you're generating and using.

The Neurio energy monitor costs around $249.

How They Compare

Both Sense and Neurio are excellent smart energy monitors that can help you reduce your energy bills. However, there are a few differences between the two devices.

  • Price: Neurio is cheaper than Sense, but it provides you with more detailed information.
  • Accuracy: Sense has a higher accuracy rate than Neurio, but the difference is negligible.
  • Ease of Installation: Sense is easier to install than Neurio.

Ultimately, the choice between Sense and Neurio comes down to your specific needs. If you want a device that's easy to install and control with your voice assistant, Sense may be the better choice for you. If you want a device that provides you with more detailed information and can track solar production, Neurio may be the better choice.


  1. Sense website
  2. Neurio website

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